all walks of life

پیشنهاد کاربران

کل جامعه و انواع مختلف مردم جامعه
There are all walks of life in my English class.
I have friends from all walks of life
used to refer to people who have many different jobs or positions in society. usually used with from
. e. g
People from all walks of life came to the carnival
Merriam - WebsterDictionary@

[مشاهده متن کامل]

?Do you often wear make - up
( For women )
Yes I do, putting on some make - up is a must since I work as a front desk clerk in one of the hotels here in this city. I meet people 🟡from all walks of life🟡 and I think it is just refreshing or welcoming for them to see me presentable or pleasant in front of them. Well you know, cosmetics can do wonders!

آحاد ملت، آحاد جامعه
During my study, I visited people from all walks of life
در طول تحصیلم مردمی از هر قشری دیدم
People from all walks of life
از همه قشری

Our volunteers include people from all walks of life
داوطلبان ما شامل همه اقشار جامعه می شوند
همه قشرهای جامعه
همه اقشار جامعه
افراد از همه قومیت ها و طبقات اجتماعی و اقتصادی
people of all ethnicities and socioeconomic classes
all social, economic, and ethnic groups
زیر و بم زندگی
مشاهده ادامه پیشنهادها (١٠ از ١٢)
