
پیشنهاد کاربران

To “grok” something means to fully understand and appreciate it on a deep level. This term originated from the science fiction novel “Stranger in a Strange Land” by Robert A. Heinlein.
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این اصطلاح از رمان علمی تخیلی "غریبه در سرزمین غریب/Stranger in a Strange Land" نوشته رابرت ای. هاینلین نشات گرفته است.
مثال ها؛
For instance, if someone explains a complex philosophical concept and you not only understand it but also connect with it on a personal level, you might say, “I really grok that idea. ”
In a discussion about a profound piece of art, someone might comment, “I can’t fully grok the meaning behind this painting. ”
If a friend shares a personal experience that resonates with you, you might say, “I grok what you went through. ”

دانش کامل، فهم کامل، دانستن ذاتی، درک شهودی
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