half a loaf is better than none

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, half is better than none at all

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یه مو از خرس کندن غنیمته
مفت باشه کوفت باشه
🔰half a loaf is better than none🔰
1 ) Getting less than what one wants is better than getting nothing at all
. E. g
I know they're offering you less money than you'd hoped for, but at least it's a good job—half a loaf is better than none
2 ) . Prov
Getting only part of what you want is better than not getting anything
. E. g
Fred: How did your court case go? Alan: Not good. I asked for $500, and the judge only awarded me $200. Fred: Half a loaf is better than none
3 ) Something is better than nothing, even if it is less than one wanted
For example, He had asked for a new trumpet but got a used one - oh well, half a loaf is better than none
4 ) If you say that half a loaf is better than none, you mean that it is better to take what you can get, even if it is very little, than to risk having nothing at all.
. E. g
The reforms do not go as far as we wanted. Still, half a loaf is better than none
Note: Other words can be used instead of loaf and none
. E. g
👈I'm very disappointed that there will only be one game, but half a loaf is better than no loaf, and we are happy that at least we will be playing once
👈Is half a step towards democracy better than no step at all?
5 ) ( saying )
you should be grateful for something, even if it is not as good, much, etc. as you really wanted; something is better than nothing
. E. g
They’re only going to agree to some of this, but half a loaf is better than none, I suppose
🔰half a loaf is better than none🔰
old - fashioned saying
said about a situation in which you must accept less than you wanted
. E. g
👈Of course, we must hope that it will lead to permanent employment, but half a loaf is better than none
👈But, as he says, half a loaf is better than none
👈Quite rightly, he responded on the basis that half a loaf is better than none at all
👈It would have been nice to have had a whole loaf, but half a loaf is better than none
👈In politics, half a loaf is better than none
👈I was going to say that half a loaf is better than none but that is just a tiny slice
half a loaf
( is better than none )
something that is less than what you wanted or asked for, but that you might accept because it is better than nothing
​ ( saying )
you should be grateful for something, even if it is not as good, much, etc. as you really wanted; something is better than nothing
. E. g
The offer only amounted to half a loaf, but campaigners grabbed it anyway
ضرب المثل، با معادل فارسی:
*کاچی به از هیچی/چراغ موشی به ز خاموشی*
*لنگه کفش هم در بیابان غنیمت است ( در بیابان یک لنگه کفش هم غنیمت است ) *
ترجمه: نصف قرص نان بهتر از هیچی است.
مفهوم: گاهی اوقات در شرایط بد و نامناسب، کمترین امکانات نیز بهتر از اصلاً نبود و در دسترس نبودن آنهاست. .
:Alternative forms
- half a loaf is better than no loaf
- ( half a step better than no step ( at all
:Derived term
half a loaf
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کاچی به از هیچی
