set the tone for

پیشنهاد کاربران

روند را تعیین کردن
✔️ حال و هوا، جو و فضای چیزی را تعیین کردن
✔️ بر حال و هوای چیزی تأثیر گذاشتن
👈🏿 One TV programme that I really enjoy watching is “Stranger Things”
It’s a sci - fi/horror show that is available on Netflix. I first heard about it from some friends who recommended it to me. The show is set in the 1980s and follows a group of kids as they try to uncover the truth behind supernatural events that are happening in their town
[مشاهده متن کامل]

I love this show because it has a great blend of genres – there’s action, suspense, and even some comedy. The characters are also really well - written and the actors do a fantastic job of bringing them to life. The show also has a great soundtrack that really helps to set the tone
set the tone ( for something )
to establish a particular mood or character for something
👈🏿 The governor's speech set the tone for the whole conference
👈🏿 The good financial news set an optimistic tone for the year
set the tone
to establish a quality, feeling, or attitude by a manner of speaking or writing
set the tone
To establish the mood of something, or the manner in which something will be conducted
👈🏿 Her warm greeting really set the tone for the dinner party, which was one of the loveliest I have ever attended
👈🏿 The first paragraph really sets the tone for the rest of the piece by introducing subtle humor and an unexpected point of view
set the ˈtone ( of/for something )
create or establish a general feeling or atmosphere among a group of people about a particular subject
👈🏿 His very clever and very funny speech set the tone for the rest of the evening

Tone معنی حال و هوا و جو هم میده .
جو و حال و هوا را برای چیزی آماده کردن .
برای مثال set the tone for happiness
محیا کردن شرایط برای
( مجازاً ) بر حال و هوای چیزی تأثیر گذاشت، حال و هوای چیزی را تعیین کردند، ( مصداقا ) لحن چیزی را مشخص کردن
