the rank and file

پیشنهاد کاربران

در کتاب ایران بین دو انقلاب به عنوان چریک ترجمه شده ص 52
⭐Rank and File⭐
The ordinary members of an organization
⭐the rank and file⭐
[singular or plural verb]
1 ) the ordinary soldiers who are not officers
2 ) ​the ordinary members of an organization
[مشاهده متن کامل]

👈🏿 the rank and file of the workforce
👈🏿 rank - and - file members
Oxford Dictionary@
rank and file
noun [ sing/pl verb ]
- the ordinary workers in a company or the ordinary members of an organization, and not the leaders
👈🏿 The party's rank and file are beginning to question the prime minister's choice of advisers
[ before noun ]
rank - and - file police officers
- the ordinary members of an organization who do not have senior positions
👈🏿 Stories have started to circulate among the rank and file about tension mounting inside the union offices
- soldiers who are not officers, or the members of an organization who are not part of the leadership
👈🏿 She remains trusted and popular with the party rank and file
⭐rank - and - file⭐
[ before noun ]
👈🏿 rank - and - file employees/members/workers
👈🏿 But the book's big weakness is its failure to engage with the ideas and attitudes of the rank and file
👈🏿 Central leadership controls the rank and file politicians through this hierarchical channel
👈🏿 The successful reordering at the national level, however, ran into difficulties with the rank and file of the national organizations during implementation
👈🏿 We argue that it was not so much greater rank and file politician power, but quite the opposite
👈🏿 This new development significantly narrowed the age differential between the leadership of these movements and the rank and file
👈🏿 Such a viewpoint united many rank and file union members with the medical lobby
👈🏿 The concerns of these men were not, however, the concerns of the rank and file
⭐ˌrank and ˈfile⭐
⭐the rank and file⭐
the ordinary members of an organization rather than the leaders
• The rank and file of the party had lost confidence in the leadership
• rank - and - file members
• The rank and file has lost confidence in the party leadership
• conflict between union leaders and the rank and file at an Alfa Romeo factory
• The policy will now have to be approved by the rank and file
⭐rank - and - file⭐
[only before noun]
the rank - and - file members of the trade union
• The enemy succeeded in capturing myself and 2, 200 rank and file, many of them being wounded
• Dalton seems to have been worried that the Party rank and file would be bewildered by the turn around
• Indeed, most Tories sought to distance themselves from the actions of their own supporters amongst the rank and file
• Social control of the rank and file, in its formal disciplinary guise, had a multitude of possibilities
• Now I could almost resent the rank and file, up there hogging every scene
• While I have no special bond with the rank and file, I do sometimes have one with the officers
• The rank and file were drawn from forced levies laid upon the tax - paying population
• The other three Hardin dismissed almost immediately; they were rank and file on the face of them
⭐ˌrank and ˈfile⭐
the rank and file the ordinary members of a union, who are not union officials
• So far, leaders are maintaining discipline among the rank and file
⭐rank - and - file⭐
[only before a noun]
• rank - and - file union members
:Alternative form
rank and file
عبارت، با معادل فارسی:
*آدمای غیر خاص - معمولی - مردم عادی - نفرات یا پرسنل عادی - سربازان دون پایه و رده پایین و خُرد*

کارمندان ساده
That's the problem with you rank and file people.
